Are you preparing for the 2020 JAMB? Here is the full list of all Likely JAMB 2020 Expo for CRS and LIKELY CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES QUESTIONS that will help you out.
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1. God created light in the firmament of heaven so that they might
A. end the darkness that had opposed divine purpose
B. separate the day from the night
C. give light to the throne of God
D. illuminate the earth and the heavens
2. When Moses brought the people of Israel out to meet God on Mount Sinai, the Mount was wrapped in smoke because
A. God kindled a fire on it
B. the Israelite set up fire round about the Mount
C. there was an earthquake on the Mount
D. the Lord descended upon it with fire
3. who among the following did God direct Mose to appoint as his successor?
A. Caleb
B. Eleazar
C. Joshua
D. Gideon
4. God created light in the firmament of the heavens so that they might
A. end the darkness that had opposed divine purpose
B. separate the day from the night
C. give light to the throne of God
D. illuminate the earth and the heavens purpose
5. When Abram got to Shechem after his call, God appeared to him and said
A. To your descendant, I will give this land
B. Fear not Abram, I am your shield
C. I am God Almighty, walk before Me and be blameless
D. I will make of you a great nation and kings shall come forth from you
6. In Matthew’s account of the Mission of the Twelve, Jesus instructed his disciples to restrict their work to the
A. Gentile converts
B. Samaritans and the Jews
C. Gentiles and Samaritans
D. lost Sheep of the house of Israel
7. The Jews persecuted Jesus after he had healed the paralytic at the pool of Bethsaida because Jesus
A. refused to show them more signs
B. asked the man to announce his healing
C. ordered the man to stand and walk
D. claimed to be the son of God
8. The parable of the Lost Sheep illustrates the
A. way to salvation
B. joy in heaven over a sinner that repents
C. need for the kingdom of God before wordly gains
D. importance of prayers
9. The presence of Peter, James, and John at the Transfiguration is significant because they
A. occupied a privileged position among the twelve
B. were brothers and the first to be called
C. were all soon to be martyred for spreading the gospel
D. all came from Capernaum in Galilee
10. Peter suggested that three booths be built on the site of the Transfiguration mainly to make
A. that place a permanent abode for the Messiah
B. it clear that Moses and Elijah were brothers
C. the restoration of all things by the coming of Elijah a reality
D. their wonderful experience of Jesus’ glory exclusively theirs
11. According to Paul in Romans, the law and the prophets bore witness to the righteousness of God but man could not be justified until he
A. learned to be like the Jews
B. had faith in Jesus
C. saw the Glory of God
D. made a serious personal effort
12. Paul recommended to the Romans that Christian attitude to others with regard to the gifts of the Spirit should be
A. to have a domineering spirit
B. not to regard others as inferior
C. to dishonor the gifts
D. to make others acquire such gifts
13. In his support for obedience, to the governing authorities, Paul’s view was such that authorities were exercising
A. absolute power
B. repressive authority
C. discriminatory authority
D. power consistent with Christ’s rule
14. In the Epistle to the Romans, Jesus death was a result of our trespasses but his resurrection was for the
A. believers to inherit the world
B. justification of all mankind
C. condemnation of all sinners
D. victory over death
15. In his metaphor of the body and the functions of its different parts, Paul in Corinthians emphasizes the individual’s
A. rights
B. reward
C. pride
D. duties
E. independence
16. At Pentecost, Peter explained that God has promised to pour out His Spirit on all
A. Gentiles
B. the God-fearing
C. the believers
D. flesh
17. The resolution of the Jerusalem council was that the Gentiles should abstain from food offered to idols,
A. unchastity, lying and what is strangled
B. blood, what is strangled and strong drinks
C. what is strangled, blood and unchastity
D. lying, unchastity, and strong drinks
18. ”Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders…………. to choose men from among them and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. The men chosen were
A. Judas and Barsabbas
B. John and James
C. Peter and Mark
D. Judas and Silas
19. Peter and John were arrested and imprisoned because they
A. healed a man lame from birth
B. condemned the Pharisees and the Sadducees
C. cursed the high priest
D. were preaching the gospel of Jesus
20. According to Paul, what bears witness to the righteousness of God are
A. faith and the law
B. grace and saving gift
C. faith and the prophets
D. the law and the prophets
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