OAUSTECH Resumption Date Announcement 2023-2024

The start of the academic year at OAUSTECH brings a mix of anticipation and last-minute changes, especially with the recent shuffle in resumption dates. For all stakeholders, understanding these revisions and the impact on new and returning students is essential. With the promise of a productive session ahead, how can students best prepare for the revised schedule?

OAUSTECH Resumption Date

Attention to all students, staff, and the extended Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology (OAUSTECH) family. There has been a significant update regarding the 2023/2024 academic session that you should be aware of.

📢 Announcement Resumption Date Review
📅 New Students Date Postponed, TBA
🔄 Returning Students No Change, Resume 13th Nov
📚 Academic Session 2023/2024
✨ Wish Productive Session Hoped
📨 Contact Check University Website

Recent Developments on Student Resumption

The Senate of OAUSTECH has revisited its earlier decision about the resumption dates for undergraduate students. Originally communicated on the 8th of November 2023, there’s been a shift in plans, especially for new students.

Resumption Schedule Adjustments

For New Students:

  • The resumption date has been postponed. The new date will be announced in due course, allowing you to plan accordingly.

For Returning Students:

  • Your resumption remains set for Monday, 13th November 2023. This date stands firm, so prepare to re-engage with your studies and campus life.

Looking Forward to a Productive Academic Session

OAUSTECH looks forward to welcoming returning students back for what is anticipated to be a very productive and engaging session.

Stay Informed

For detailed information on the academic calendar and any further updates, please visit OAUSTECH’s official website.

As the new academic year approaches, it’s important to stay informed and prepared for the changes ahead. OAUSTECH is committed to ensuring that all students have the information they need for a smooth transition into the new session. Keep an eye out for the new resumption date if you’re a new student, and returning students should get ready for an exciting start on the 13th of November. Here’s to an enriching academic year ahead at OAUSTECH.

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