KWASU’s New School Fees Relief Grant for Staff’s Children

Are you a member of the Kwara State University(KWASU) staff concerned about the impact of subsidy removal on your finances? How does a N100,000 School Fees Relief Grant for your children sound to you? Starting from the 2023/2024 academic session, isn’t this just the sort of support that could make a world of difference? Let’s unpack how this pioneering initiative could benefit your family.

KWASU School Fees Relief Grant for Staff Children

In an assertive step towards supporting its community, KWASU has unveiled the School Fees Relief Grant (SFRG), set to commence from the 2023/2024 academic session. This grant, amounting to One Hundred Thousand Naira (N100,000.00), is dedicated to the biological children of the institution’s staff.

🎓 Fees Grant N100,000 Relief for Staff’s Children
🎒 Eligibility Biological Children of Confirmed Staff
📚 Programme Types Undergrad & Regular Degree, IDEL, PDP
⏳ Duration Benefit Normal Programme Duration
🧒 Max Children Up to Four per Staff Member
🛑 Grant Cessation Upon Staff Resignation, Retirement, Dismissal
🖊️ Circular Issued By Registrar, Dr. Kikelomo W. Sallee
💼 Management Decree Approved by Acting Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Shaykh-Luqman Jimoh

Official Endorsement of the SFRG

The introduction of the SFRG was confirmed on September 5, 2023, by the University’s Acting Vice-Chancellor, Professor Shaykh-Luqman Jimoh, as a strategic response to alleviate the impact of subsidy removal on the University’s staff.

Eligibility Criteria For the SFRG

  • Staff Confirmation: The grant is exclusively available to biological children of staff members with confirmed employment status at the University.
  • Academic Programmes: It covers undergraduate and regular degree programmes, including IDEL regular and Professional Degree Programmes (PDP).

Terms of the SFRG

  • Duration of Benefit: Eligible children will benefit from the grant for the normal length of their admitted academic programme.
  • Maximum Claim: A staff member can claim the grant for up to four (4) children throughout their service period at the University.

Continuation and Cessation of The Grant

  • In Case of Bereavement: Should a staff member pass away, their enrolled child will continue to benefit from the grant for the originally intended period.
  • Termination of Employment: If employment ends due to resignation, retirement, or dismissal, the grant ceases with immediate effect.


This generous grant by Kwara State University(kWASU) marks a commendable commitment to supporting its staff and their families. As the 2023/2024 academic year approaches, those eligible within the University’s fraternity are encouraged to take note of these new provisions and apply accordingly, ensuring their children’s educational pursuits are sustained amidst economic challenges.

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