JAMB Recommended Books for Islamic Studies

To all Jambites who will be offering Islamic Studies in the 2020 JAMB, here is a list of the JAMB Recommended Books for Islamic Studies which you will have to study.

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JAMB Recommended Books for Islamic Studies

  • Abdul, M.O.A. (1976) Studies in Islam Series Book 3, Lagos: IPB
  • Abdul, M.O.A. (1982) Studies in Islam Series Book 2, Lagos: IPB
  • Abdul, M.O.A. (1988)The Classical Caliphate, Lagos: IPB
  • Abdulrahman and Canham (n.d) The Ink of the Scholar, CUP
  • Ali, A.Y. (1975), The Holy Qur’an Text: Translation and Commentary Leicester The Islamic Foundation
  • Ali, M.M. (Undated) The Religion of Islam, Lahore
  • Doi, A. R. I (1997) Shariah: The Islamic Law; Kuala Lumpur: Noordeen
  • Hay Kal, M. (1982) The Life of Muhammad (SAW), Academic Press
  • Lemu, A. (1992) Methodology of Primary Islamic Studies, Lagos: IPB
  • Lemu, A. (1993) Islamic Studies for SSS Books 1, Lagos: IPB
  • Lemu, A. (1993) Islamic Studies for SSS Books, Minna: IET
  • Muhammad, S. Q. (2010) al-Burhanu fi tajwidil Qur’an Cairo: Shirkatul-Qudus
  • Opeloye, M.O. (1996) A Dictionary of Peoples and Places in the Qur’an, Lagos: Academic Press
  • Philips, A. A. B. (1997) Usool at-Tafseer, Kuala Lumpur: Noordeen
  • Quadri, Y.A. et al (1990) Al-Iziyyah for the English Audience, Ijebu Ode: Shebiotio Publication
  • Rahim, A. (1992) Islamic History, Lagos: IPB
  • Sambo, M.B. et. Al (1984) Islamic Religious Knowledge for WASC Book 1, Lagos: IPB
  • Sambo, M.B. et. Al (1984) Islamic Religious Knowledge for WASC Book 3, Lagos: IPB
  • Trimingham, J.S. (1993) A History of Islam in West Africa, Oxford, OUP

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