Federal College of Education Yola School Fees 2023/2024
Federal College of Education Yola School Fees 2023/2024
If you have been searching for Federal College of Education Yola School Fees 2023/2024, federal college of education yola degree program, fce yola nce courses, history of federal college of education yola,fce yola nce courses, fce yola nce portal, fce yola nce result, fce degree, fce yola school fees, www.fceyoladegree.edu.ng/online result, fce yola logo then you are in the right place.
The Logo focuses on four keywords “Teaching”, “Teacher”, “Learning”, “Learn” and was depicted by using both Latin and Arabic letters.The date the college was established was also inscribed with both Roman and Arabic letters.Green and Brown are prominently the original college colours with “Green” depicting the lush environment where the college was located “Dougerei” and “Brown” the Atlantical mountain ranges and both thereby giving the Logo its predominating backgroud color.
History and Mandate
the federal college of education, Yola started as federal advance teachers college in 1974. the college alongside others in Nigeria was restructured in 1989. with a change of statues and mandate to a federal college of education following the enactment of decree No. 4 of 1986 and the follow-up decree No. 6 of 1993. the mandate of federal college of education Yola is to produce highly motivated and efficient classroom teachers for the basic education level, of the Nigerian’s education system.
The mission of the college includes;
- To produce high efficient and creative teachers who are capable of adopting and responding to the changing need of the community.
- To provide its students with skills needed to make them innovative and successful in and out of the classroom.
- To promote cross border research and interaction in teacher education between the college and its immediate international neighbor.
- To be a model in the northern Nigeria region for teaching research and service to the community.
- To be a leading national institution in the training of efficient and creative teachers
- To be a pacesetter in the expansion of the frontier of knowledge through promotion of teacher professionalism, quality teaching, research and service to the community.
- To spearhead the integration of the local community into the mainstream of the national education agenda.
Fresh Students ……………..N43,000 per session
Returning Students…………….N35,000 Per Session.
That’s the much we can take on the topic “Federal College of Education Yola School Fees”.
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